Making it work as a working parent

Picking Madelyn and Tucker up from daycare is my favorite time of day. The hours that follow are often chaotic, as we rush to get them home, fed, and ready for bed while tending to tantrums and tears. But the actual end-of-day reunion is always a moment for the memory books.

When I walk into Madelyn’s classroom, she stops what she’s doing, runs up to me and gives me a huge hug while smiling and saying “mommy, mommy”! Tucker has also begun smiling when he sees me, and his little eyes grow wide.

Being a working mom can be an emotional seesaw, with your kids across from you. You lift them up when they’re down and they do the same for you. Some moments, you all have your feet on the ground and there’s a semblance of balance. The ups and downs are unpredictable, but the hugs and smiles and wide eyes are a consistent reminder that at the end of the day you are loved — and so are they.

Published by Mallary Tenore Tarpley

Mallary is a mom of two young kiddos -- Madelyn and Tucker. Mallary absolutely loves being a mom and often writes about the need to find harmony when juggling motherhood and work. Mallary is the Assistant Director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin, where she manages the Center's various programs related to distance learning, freedom of expression, and digital journalism. Previously, she was Executive Director of Images & Voices of Hope and Managing Editor of The Poynter Institute’s media news site, Mallary grew up outside of Boston and graduated from Providence College in Rhode Island. In 2015, she received a certificate in nonprofit management from Duke University. She now lives in beautiful Austin, Texas, with her kids, husband Troy and cat Clara. She's working on a memoir, slowly but surely. You can reach her at

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