Learning when to let go & hold on as a parent

Even though Madelyn slept soundly last night, I woke up at various times worrying about her first full day of daycare. Would she cry most of the day? Would she eat well for the teachers? Would she be able to nap in a new crib, surrounding by nine other babies? How do you get 10Continue reading “Learning when to let go & hold on as a parent”

Learning how to help our baby sleep better, one night at a time

  Madelyn slept through the night for four consecutive nights this week! She woke up a few times and cried for a bit but then went back to sleep. I don’t want to jinx it, but this feels like a victory, considering she has been waking up two to three times a night to nurseContinue reading “Learning how to help our baby sleep better, one night at a time”