Tips for pumping at work: What you’ll need & how to get in the right frame of mind

The thought of pumping at work can seem daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. But there are steps you can take to make it easier on yourself. (Having a job with some flexibility, a supportive boss, and a designated place to pump also helps.) I’m currently pumping three times a day for myContinue reading “Tips for pumping at work: What you’ll need & how to get in the right frame of mind”

When nursing comes to an end

Last week I stopped nursing Madelyn. For 12.5 months, nursing was her nourishment, her sense of comfort. In some ways, it was mine too. It’s hard to let go of the things that draw our children near — but our motherly instincts, our bodies, our children usually steer us in the right direction and helpContinue reading “When nursing comes to an end”

Tips for pumping & preserving breast milk when traveling

Traveling has taken on a new layer of complexity now that I’m a mom. Over the past month, I’ve taken four trips — two with Madelyn and Troy, and two by myself. I knew it would be difficult being away from Madelyn during the solo trips, but I didn’t realize how difficult it would beContinue reading “Tips for pumping & preserving breast milk when traveling”